Friday, June 4, 2010

A Day in the Davenport Community School District

Wow! This Tuesday was another wonderful day in the eastern side of the state. I had a chance to promote my platform and reach students with my Snacking Smart message.

Just before 8 a.m., I was greeted with my first ever welcome sign and just couldn't resist snapping a photo. After the first bell rang, I was the kick-off speaker for the Adams Elementary Fit Kids Day. I shared my story (in a beautiful outdoor assembly) about learning to eat healthier foods, and discussed how important it is not only to be active, but to eat well. All the students received one of my Snacking Smart from A to Z cookbooks.

Afterwards, I observed my colleague, Dr. Ed Thomas from the Department of Education film fitness videos with third and fourth graders. Topics ranged from posture and medicine balls to agility ladders. He and I are spear-heading the Stories in Motion project I created, and immediately following Miss Iowa, we have plans to launch it into after-school programs throughout Iowa. In the fall, we will bring it to K-5 schools throughout the state to get students more active in the classroom.

After the morning session, I was kindly escorted by Mr. Brad Oates, director of Physical Education and Athletic Programs for the Davenport Community School District, to Hayes Elementary where I presented on Snacking Smart from A to Z with first and third graders.

My last stap was Truman Elementary, where I presented my message in an assembly format with five grades. I was able to have 20 minutes with each age group so that I could tailor my presentation to their knowledge level. The kids had great questions and comments that made me realize the impact my visit had on their lives.

Though, the best part of the day came from the surprise group hugs, cute questions ("Are you a real princess?"), soft-spoken comments ("I want to be like her"), and off-the wall inquisitions ("Are you a kid or an adult?")

One kindergartener even said "Hey, what's your phone number?" You just never know what kids will say :)

At the end of the day, I felt so rewarded knowing I reached over 1,000 students in that short visit. Beyond that, I felt an incredible sense of content when I exited the parking lot at Truman Elementary and saw tons of elementary boys and girls proudly carrying my little yellow book of healthy recipes.

This message from Brad was an added bonus:

Thank you for taking the time to come to Davenport and speak to some of our elementary students. I was very impressed with your presentation to the students as well as your poise in front of the students. Students, especially elementary, can be among the toughest crowds. The message was spot on and reinforces what we have been doing in our curriculum. I look forward to more opportunities to work with you and getting out the message of fitness and nutrition. I have enclosed a picture from yesterday. I hope we will have some pictures on our website soon. Good luck in the Miss Iowa competition. I know there will be a lot of elementary students rooting for you. Take care.

Brad W. Oates
Program Director of Athletics, Physical Education, & Health
Davenport Community School District

I could not be more honored to be Miss Pearl City.


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