Sunday, May 24, 2015

Busy, busy, busy!

I want to start by saying that I leave for Miss Iowa in 14 days!!! And the finals are in 20 days!  I will keep saying this but I have no idea where all this time has gone!

With all that being said these next 14 days are going to fly by even faster!  Before I get to these next 14 days I want to recap these past fews days.  Friday was a fun filled day starting with zip lining with the current Miss Iowa and other current Miss Iowa contestants!

I enjoyed spending time and getting to know these ladies even better on a beautiful day.

After zip lining, my Miss Iowa roommate Alison and I drove from Dubuque to Davenport to join Miss Iowa and other contestants at the Boys and Girls club for their Dance for Diversity.  It was great to get out in the community and support these wonderful kids!  While we were there we were able to play various games with the kids, watch performances and then test out our dance moves ourselves!

Saturday I found out that I have finally become a Circle of Champions member! This means I have personally raised $1,000 for the March of Dimes this year!  I am very happy with my accomplishment and couldn't of done it without the support of so many people.

Sunday morning, I was able to spend time with my wonderful ED Ashley, as we picked out all my outfits for the entire Miss Iowa week! We had a blast doing it and my cat Kinnick even helped out a little bit!  It is now Sunday later afternoon and I am sitting at the studio passing out tickets and recital t-shirts during daddy/ daughter rehearsal because tomorrow starts tech week for our recital. This next week is a really busy but very exciting week!  Having a busy schedule all the time and juggling so many things at once is one of my weaknesses but it actually keeps me motivated and on track.  Being busy with recital will make me wake up early and get to the gym and pack all my meals for the day so I can stay on track.  It will keep my focused on preparing for Miss Iowa but it won't let me obsess on getting ready for Miss Iowa.  It will also prepare me on keeping a very positive attitude under stressful situations all while being a role model for all of my students!  Recital is a time to celebrate all of the success of the students hard work throughout the year and this is a big year for us as it is the Nolte Academy's 15th anniversary!

Miss Iowa week and finals will be here before I know it and that makes me both very excited and very nervous.  I was put at ease when I was reading the Pageant Junkie Newsletter.  Here is the excerpt that resonated with me:

"Pageantry isn’t about being ‘the best’ in interview, or having ‘the best’ talent, or having ‘the best’ body, or offering ‘the best’ stage presence. Pageantry isn’t even about being well-rounded in each of these categories! Rather, pageantry is about making 5 different people (the judges) love you."

It resonated with me because it reminded me that I will never be the best contestant in every category but I can be my best self.  As long as I stay true to myself all week and compete as myself I will be happy with my results.  

I will sign off today with these two quotes that encompass the same thought.  If I can be a role model to anyone, specifically to my students, I want them to get these messages.  I will compete for the title of Miss Iowa 2015 as Christy Scimeca and for everything I stand for and believe in and that will be enough.  

XOXO, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening!
Christy Scimeca, Miss Pearl City 2015 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"I am not telling you it is going to be easy, but I am telling you it is going to be worth it"

Art Williams, the man who spoke this quote, was a very smart man when he said this.  This quote applies to a lot in life and specifically to my past, current and future Miss Iowa prep.  Preparing for Miss Iowa is not all sunshine and rainbows like it may appear to be.  Now when I say that I don't mean it is all bad but getting down to the wire it is definitely hard.  

There are only 38 days until a new Miss Iowa is crowned.  I don't know whether I want to look at 38 days as a half full or half empty situation.  For my mental stability I will force myself to look at it half full.  There ARE 38 wonderful days (and 912 hours) until Miss Iowa and a lot can still be done in those 38 days.  Some of those things on my list that are just for Miss Iowa will be; intense workouts, meticulous nutrition, multiple interview conference calls and mock interviews per week, talent rehearsals, rhine stoning my talent costume, packing for the week, a few March of Dimes events and appearances and several fittings. That is just to prep for Miss Iowa, that doesn't even include the craziness of recital that always finishes up May. The weeks to come at the Nolte Academy will include a full week of pictures, the last week of classes, tech week and then three full days of shows.  After recital, I will have a week to catch up on sleep and mental stability to then get ready to embark on a full week of Miss Iowa activities in Davenport.  Looking now at my calendar at the next 38 days, there isn't a single day that is blank.  I am both thankful and stressing out about that.  I will just keep repeating " I can and I will do this".

No matter what happens in 38 days, I know I have gained an immense amount of life skills and experiences through this process.  Yes, it may be hard.  Yes, people may think I am crazy.  Yes, there are moments that I question why I do this.  And yes, I would do it all again in a heartbeat.  No part of me wants to quit or give up, and these are the moments that make us stronger and keep us chasing our dreams.

As I said before, preparing for Miss Iowa is not all sunshine and rainbows, but neither is life.  We learn to embrace the storms that get thrown at us so we can appreciate the sun when it does shine or cherish the rainbow when we catch a glimpse of it.  Those are the moments that make life special.

I absolutely can not wait to shine on that stage June 11th, 12th and 13th and give it everything I have.  I can only control myself, my preparation and my performance.  From there it is out of my hands, it is out of my control, but again that is life.  There is only so much we can do. But on that stage, in that moment it will absolutely be worth it.

Until next time,
Miss Pearl City 2015
Christy Scimeca