Friday, June 4, 2010

Coffee Club Talk Show and St. Jude's Elementary

Today I was the special guest on the Coffee Club Talk show in Muscatine, Iowa. Gary at KWPC Radio allowed me to join him for an interview to talk about my platform, my personal background, and the upcoming Miss Iowa competition. I particularly enjoyed chatting with them about my Snacking Smart from A to Z cookbooks.

Jane from the Muscatine Chamber of Commerce was in on our interview as well, and kindly agreed to help me distribute even more of my recipe booklets to the Muscatine community through the Chamber office. What a gem!

Later, I traveled to Cedar Rapids to visit all of the kindergarten through second graders at St. Jude's Elementary and distribute my snack books. They loved them! I even had a chance to eat lunch with my princess, or "little sister," as I like to call her. What a treat it was to see Carmella again.

More soon,

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