Friday, September 5, 2014

I Blinked and it was September 5th...

Hello again!


I think I just blinked and it was September 5.  Did anyone else see summer fly right by?  I guess that's what happens when you're having fun!

After all of the excitement from Miss Iowa week, I went back down to TX to take three summer classes.  If I have one piece of advice, don't take three classes in two months!  But in all honesty I really enjoyed getting back into the swing of the life I like best...  Cooking yummy food, hitting the gym, shopping, learning and spending time with people who are important to me.  What else in the world could you possibly want?

Once I was done with my classes, Seth and I road tripped to Iowa to see some family at our reunion, hang out with the people I love most, do a couple appearances and a fundraiser, and go to the Iowa State Fair!  It was a busy week but so worth it.  Serica, Nina and I went to two assisted living homes in Muscatine to spend some time with the residents and perform our talents.  I LOVE watching the expressions on people's faces when they hear Nina's beautiful piano pieces or Serica's energetic Irish dance or even a familiar hymn I play with my guitar. 

After spending a few days in Dubuque for a "vacation" (which pretty much was eating pizza, shopping in Galena, playing in the arcade and relaxing), we stopped in Muscatine for a fundraiser at Francesca Vitale's restaurant.  They were so generous to give us a proceed of that nights sales as we greeted and visited with guests!  We even got to sing happy birthday to a nice lady at a table!


I spent a little time in East Texas before the fall semester of my senior year started, and here we are!  Oh I should also mention that something exciting happened the night before classes started...  I got engaged!  I could probably go on and on about this, but I'll just say it was romantic, thoughtful, and beautiful : D 


Now I'm back on the school and work grind.  Getting ready to graduate and have a wedding!  Life is so crazy and unpredictable, but that's what makes it so great.

Until next time,
