Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February Madness. Isn't that supposed to be March?!


What a whirlwind of a February it has been! I’ve temporarily escaped the Midwestern tundra and am back to pursuing my education. However, it hasn’t even peaked above 40 degrees today. And yes, the Texans are having a hard time bearing the nearly freezing temperatures. If you look out the window, you might arrange that it’s sub-zero or something! They’re all bundled up to brave the cold front. Ha! Okay, I’m done picking on the poor Texans.

I’ve been keeping pretty busy here at UMHB. In the last edition of The Bells campus newspaper, I had a book review and a news article published. Yesterday, my story about Holly Tucker, a Baylor student who competed and eventually earned 6th place on The Voice. That was pretty cool. I’ll add some links to my stories at the bottom to this blog if ya’ll are interested!

I’m continuing my PR/Communication internship in the President’s Office here at school. What a neat opportunity it has been! I’ve gotten better acquainted with the leaders of UMHB and have an insider view of the university. I am happy to say that I am even more proud to be a student here. Something cool that I got to work on was Dr. O’Rear’s (the president) speech for the dedication of a new street that runs through campus. That was exciting.
My boyfriend spoiled me for Valentine's Day and took me to San Antonio. I might just be the luckiest girl in the world, not sure. If not, at least in the top five! ;) That was my first time visiting the Alamo, which is a huge part of Texas' history. I feel like a true Texan now! We also walked along the Riverwalk and ate a yummy meal at the Gritsmill. So much fun!

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the job fair on campus and learned about a neat, one-week internship opportunity with a software company called ZOption. They were looking for four students to take with them to work with their marketing team at their trade show at Disney World in March. Ultimately, they needed professional people with outstanding communications skills. “Hey, I can do that,” I thought. I made it through the first round of resumes and was among the ten people called upon for an interview. So, the week after my spring break I’m heading to Florida on my first business trip! I can hardly wait! I attribute the communication skills I've gained through competing in pageants to obtaining this position.

Tomorrow, the newspaper staff is leaving for a photojournalism conference in Fort Worth. It’s tough having to miss my Friday classes, but I just love going to different conferences and learning all that I can.

Yesterday I had a productive conference call with Michelle and Jessica of Legacy Group Consulting in regard to my preparation for Miss Iowa. We talked quite a bit about my platform, which I’m very excited about. While a title for it has yet to be decided on, it has to do with awareness of gender roles and equality in the workplace, inspiring women to strive for leadership roles and supporting female entrepreneurs. More on this later.

This morning I booked two flights home in April! I’ll be back the first weekend for a shopping trip with the Miss Muscatine/Pearl City board and the last weekend for Miss Iowa orientation. I can’t wait to be back!

I’m so thankful for these amazing opportunities, and I truly hope to encourage other young people to set lofty goals and confidently attain them. Whether that be as Miss Pearl City, Miss Iowa, Miss America or just Leah.
Have a good rest of your week!
P.s. Below is a link to my stories. Enjoy!



Sunday, February 9, 2014

Back in the Heartland!


I’ve had a fun and busy weekend back in my favorite state. Every minute of my trip has been thoroughly enjoyed! (Okay, maybe everything except the weather. Burr!) I am so blessed to be able to pursue my goal of becoming Miss Iowa from school in Texas. Thank you to everyone on both ends who support me in this long distance affair.

After a long evening of weather related travel delays on Thursday, I finally made it back to get some sleep before my busy Friday!

On Friday morning I was on air with Andy at Muscatine KWPC. I had a great time talking about the Miss America Organization and what it’s like to be involved! I was able to explain what separates the MAO from other pageants. Doing so always functions as a good reminder as to why I do what I do.

Next we headed to LeChic for round two of Miss Iowa evening gown shopping. It was successful! ;) I’m SO excited to wear my beautiful dress in June. It’s perfect. Thanks again Heather and Stacy!

After shopping we went to Performing Arts Muscatine, a generous sponsor of the Miss Muscatine program, to work on my talent selection for June. Bruce’s expertise and advice is absolutely priceless. Thank you so much for all that you do for the program and the Muscatine community. I greatly appreciate it!

On Saturday, Serica Rowley, Miss Muscatine, and I went to Newton for a princess workshop! This was one of the coolest events ever. The ladies in charge set up hair, make up and nail stations for girls to be pampered at in preparation for that evening’s Princess and Papas Ball. The little princesses were able to pick out their favorite dress, shoes, jewelry and hair accessories to wear. There were so many to choose from! There are wonderful people in the Newton community who make sure that every little girl gets to feel like a princess. It was an honor to be a part of this event.

I’ve been spending my Sunday with my family. In a few minutes I’ll be heading back to the airport and reality!

Life is SO good.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)