Friday, May 27, 2011

Herbert Hoover Elementary School


The days have been flying past as Miss Iowa approaches. In 8 days (8 days!) I leave for Miss Iowa week. My time has been spent at the gym, reading current events, practicing the harp, and planning wardrobe. I have also been traveling a lot, going to mock interviews, getting dresses altered, and making appearances.

Last Monday, I went to Muscatine for a Lia Sophia jewelry party, hosted by Vicki Plett who is one of the fabulous Miss Pearl City/Miss Muscatine board members. After the party, we were able to fit in a mock interview with several members of the board. I could not ask for a better board of directors. They are so supportive, so motivating, and so dedicated to this program. Thank you to all of the board members, especially Ashley Brown, Kindra Plett, Vicki Plett, and Michelle Hunt. You are stars!

This past weekend I traveled home to West Des Moines and was lucky enough to have a mock interview with a fantastic group of judges. They asked challenging questions and gave great feedback that will really help my preparations.

Last weekend I also traveled to Cedar Falls and Lamount to celebrate my boyfriend’s graduation from The University of Iowa. Congratulations, Stephen!

On Wednesday, I visited Herbert Hoover Elementary School in Bettendorf. My pageant sister Jessica, Miss Pearl City’s Outstanding Teen, has been working with this class of second graders now for several weeks, instructing them on how to live healthy lives. I am so impressed with everything that Jessica has been able to do over this past semester. She would be a wonderful Miss Iowa’s Outstanding Teen. Today was the last day that she met with the class, so she invited me as a special guest to reward the students’ hard work. I never cease to be amazed with the students that I have worked with. These students were great listeners and were eager to participate and learn. As you probably know, my platform is centered on children’s dental health. Even when I speak with adults, community groups, and legislators, my focus is always on the children that I can impact. Being able to directly work with children is, without doubt, what I enjoy doing most as Miss Pearl City.

Jessica and I with Mrs. Bengston's second-grade class.

I went around the room and let any student be a prince or princess for the day!

Listening to a question from one of the students.

Getting ready for the plaque-revealing activity. Travis was a great volunteer!

Later that afternoon, Ashley and Vicki stopped by my house in Iowa City to help me get organized for Miss Iowa. I have never been a light packer, but I always have tons of clothes, shoes, jewelry, and makeup to take to Miss Iowa. After all, Miss Iowa needs to look her very best at all times.

Yesterday I drove to Columbus Junction to meet with Michelle Hunt, one of the Miss Pearl City board members. We spent a lot of time talking about current events and potential interview questions. Michelle’s expertise is invaluable.

This weekend I’m traveling back home again for another mock interview and some much-needed time with my family. This was a busy week and it gave me a real sense of what life would be like as Miss Iowa. I can’t wait for the competition in just under two weeks!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Washington Leadership Conference

Hi there,

As I mentioned in my last post, I have spent the last week in Washington, D.C. attending the Washington Leadership Conference with the American Dental Association. I was one of four Iowa delegates that visited with the nation's representatives and senators about the current legislative issues that affect dentistry for the coming year. We had private meetings with each of the five Iowa representatives and the two senators, as well as additional meetings with their staff.

We had three main bills that the American Dental Association was supporting. One is called “Breaking Barriers to Oral Health Act of 2011”, the purpose of which is to empower state-based entities to break the barriers to improved essential oral health care for lower-income individuals. Most Americans have access to the best oral health care in the world and, as a result, enjoy excellent oral health. But tens of millions still do not, owing to such barriers as poverty, geography, lack of oral health education, language or cultural barriers, fear of dental care and the belief that people who are not in pain do not need dental care. This bill creates two grant programs in which states and state dental associations compete for limited federal dollars in order to create or fund programs that directly deal with these barriers. Essentially, it provides funds for those who are closest to the problem that can do the most good.

Second, we were supporting “The Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2011”, which seeks to repeal the McCarran-Ferguson Act exemption for insurance companies. Currently, only railroads, unions, baseball, and insurance companies have exemptions from federal antitrust legislation, which means that insurance companies are allowed to collude together to set prices. This bill would eliminate the special treatment that the insurance industry has enjoyed for 65 years, and bring the industry into line with virtually every other American business sector. This bill actually passed overwhelming in the House last year (406 – 19) but died in Committee in the Senate. Hopefully this year will be the year this exemption is finally repealed.

Third was the “Patients’ Freedom to Choose Act”. This seeks to repeal the annual cap on Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) that reduces consumers’ access to health care. The recent Healthcare Reform Act reduced the cap from $5,000 to $2,500. If out of pocket costs for traditional medical insurance exceeds the new annual limit, consumers will be faced with hard decisions about the affordability of additional health care costs like vision and dental care. Hundreds of thousands of Americans rely on medical FSAs to cover these rising out of pocket health care costs. While the bill does not place a limit on FSAs, the cap will likely be placed at the historical $5,000 rate in Committee.

As I mentioned, the Iowa delegation (IDA Executive Director Larry Carl, IDA President Dr. David Davidson, IDA President-Elect Dr. Dan Kegler, and me, the Goodwill Ambassador to the IDA) were able to talk about all of these issues, in addition to specific Iowa issues like the Iowa Mission of Mercy, with all 5 Iowa representatives and both senators. All of our Iowa Congressmen were aware of the importance of dentistry in our state and nation and were very receptive to our message. I believe that we were very successful and I will be anxious to see these bills go through the legislative process.

The Iowa delegates with Senator Grassley. Grassley is such a professional and has a very firm grasp of the issues that affect dentistry in our state and nation.

The Iowa delegation with Senator Harkin. The Senator was responsible for procuring an earmark that really helped the Iowa Mission of Mercy obtain equipment last year. Thank you, Senator!

With Representative Boswell. He was so easy to talk with!

With Representative Braley. He has a great personality! For this photograph, he bent down and I stood on my tippie-toes so that I didn't look so short.

With Representative Loebsack. As a registered Johnson County voter, Representative Loebsack is actually my representative in Congress.

With Representative Latham. He has been a supporter of the Iowa Mission of Mercy since its conception.

I was very impressed with Representative King. He actually sat with us for 30 minutes to talk frankly and openly about the issues. It was easy to open up with him and have a serious conversation about the state of dentistry and our nation.

Taking a moment in between meetings to prepare.

In addition, the entire Washington Leadership Conference heard from specific friends of dentistry from the House of Representatives and several other industry leaders. They discussed current legislative issues and the role of dentistry in our modern society. We also heard predictions for healthcare in the upcoming years, a concept that is constantly evolving, especially with the passage of the Healthcare Reform Act this past year. The Conference was fascinating and it was such an honor to have been invited to join the Iowa Delegation.

With Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona. Dr. Gosar is a newly elected dentist in Congress and was the keynote speaker for our conference.

With Representative Phil Gingrey from Georgia. Dr. Gingrey is the Co-chair of the GOP Doctors Caucus and one of the speakers for our conference.

Representative Darrell Issa of California, the Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

With Steny Hoyer, the House Democratic Whip.

With Representative Allen West of Florida. He is considered one of the new leaders of the TEA-Party movement.

My dad and I with Dr. Howard Koh, the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department for Health and Human Services. He was also one of our speakers.

With Frank Luntz, PhD, who is a New York Times Bestselling Author and Fox News Contributor. He is considered the nation's leading pollster and was fascinating to listen to. Like me, he comes from a dental family.

I was also able to meet many of the past and present leaders of the American Dental Association. I came away with dozens of contacts and new friends who are willing and excited to help me promote dentistry in Iowa and across our nation.

With Dr. Matthew Neary, the Chair on the Council on Government Affairs for the American Dental Association.

WithDr. Raymond Gist, the President of the American Dental Association.

After the conclusion of the conference, my mom, dad, and I enjoyed a couple of extra days in Washington, D.C. We toured the Capital with a member of Senator Gassley’s staff, visited the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court building, Arlington Cemetery, the Holocaust Memorial Museum, the various memorials, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the National Archives, and several other sites. I hadn’t been to D.C. since I was five years old, so it was wonderful to experience our nation’s capital while I can appreciate it. In addition, meeting several legislators and witnessing proceeding in the House and Senate was especially fascinating after having taking The Legislative Process last semester at the University of Iowa. I will be sad to leave D.C., but I have had so many wonderful experiences that will further my life and especially help further my platform of “Making Smiles Happen: Children’s Dental Health Advocacy”.

I met soldiers from all over the world! From left: U.S., Argentina, India, Italy, Philippines, Nigeria, and Afghanistan. Doesn't have much to do with my platform, but I thought this was too cool to not include.

Iowa Dental Convention Annual Session


The last time I wrote, I was preparing for my final exams (I had five this semester and three on one day!). Well, I have finished my exams but have not been taking it easy. This past weekend was the Iowa Dental Association Annual Meeting in Iowa City. As the Goodwill Ambassador to the IDA, I was very much involved in several events throughout the weekend.

On Friday night was the Presidential Gala at the Marriot Convention Center. The Gala dinner was held in honor of the outgoing and incoming IDA Presidents (Bill Strohman and my father, David Davidson) and as a fundraiser for the Iowa Mission of Mercy. I know I have talked about the Iowa Mission of Mercy quite a lot in the past, but this is such a wonderful event and deserves to be discussed again. The IMOM is the Iowa Dental Foundation’s annual event in which about 1,500 patients are provided with a total of $1,000,000 of dentistry over the course of one weekend. This year, the event will be held in Sioux City on November 18-19th. The event has not been provided with any federal or state funding, so the $400,000 that is needed to put on the event is done all through private fundraisers and donations. The Presidential Gala was very successful and raised over $14,000 for the IMOM! The event was also a lot of fun with a cruise theme (I was the cruise director). One of my main duties was to sell raffle tickets for a cruise that was given away at the end of the night. I had many people tell me that I am a natural salesperson and while I don’t want to pursue a career in sales, I had a great time making the rounds. Take a look at the pictures!

I was very diligent about my job!

Talking to one of the Presidential Gala guests about purchasing a raffle ticket.

Drawing the name of the winner of the cruise!

Also that night, I was able to meet and talk with the past and present leaders of the IDA. This really is a year for unprecedented access to those who have the ability to help me with my platform and spread the word of the importance of oral health. I met delegates from every member of the 10th District of the ADA (Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa) and many past Presidents of the IDA. A couple photos with the leadership are below.

With Dr. William Calnon, the President-Elect of the American Dental Association. Dr. Calnon joined us from New York.

With Dr. Dan and Vicki Kegler. Dr. Kegler is the newly elected President-Elect of the Iowa Dental Association.

On Saturday, my father officially became the President of the IDA after a vote by the IDA House of Delegates. It was wonderful to attend that meeting and listen to his well-prepared (and hilarious!) speech. Also congratulations to Dr. Dan Kegler of Independence who became the President-Elect and Dr. Mary Marriani of Davenport who became the Vice President. They are both wonderful dentists and will be great leaders for this organization.

My dad became the new President of the Iowa Dental Association.

I also took some time to walk around the Convention floor and had some fun looking at all the different dental tools and products!

With some of my dad's staff!

Loving the magnifiers on these dental glasses!

Having fun with some model teeth.

Every year, the Iowa Dental Association holds a drawing contest for elementary students across the state featuring a dental theme. This year, all the students demonstrated the need to brush and floss daily. I was able to meet the adorable and talented kids who won the contest. Here I am with their artwork.

This past week I have been in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Leadership Convention held by the American Dental Association. This has been a wonderful experience and I will tell you more about it once the week is over.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Neil Armstrong Elementary

Greetings! A lot has happened in the last week since I posted.

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I had a photo session with Ben Shirk of Shirk Photography and the images have now been posted! Here a couple of the photos from that session:

On Wednesday, I had meetings with several Iowa legislators planned in Des Moines. However, as those of you who have been following state politics know, the Democrats left the legislature on Tuesday night for the whole week and the Republicans barred themselves into conference. Unfortunately, this meant that all of my meetings were cancelled! Public policy is one of the main pillars of my platform and talking to legislators is one of my favorite things to do. While it was disappointing not to be able to go, I am lucky and excited that I will be able to visit Iowa’s national senators and representatives in Washington, D.C. in just one week.

On Friday, I visited Neil Armstrong Elementary School in Bettendorf to present to two second-grade classrooms. Jessica Erbst, Miss Pearl City’s Outstanding Teen, joined me for the morning and it was wonderful to be able to bond with her over our mutual passion for helping kids live healthier lives. I was very impressed at her ability to connect with the students and spark their interest in her platform. As always, it was an absolute joy to visit with the students! At the end of the second presentation, the kids all surrounded me and gave me big hugs. One little boy keep coming back for extra hugs (I think he gave me five all told!).

Jessica and I with the first class.

During the presentation. If you look at my PowerPoint, you can actually see a picture of my teeth that I use for an example.

During my presentation.

With the second class. You can see the little boy just peeking his head over my shoulder. What a sweetie!

Jessica and I were on the homepage for Neil Armstrong this week! I snipped a shot of the homepage. Look at the website for yourself:

Saturday was Miss Iowa Orientation in Davenport at the beautiful Hotel Blackhawk. It was wonderful to finally meet all of the contestants! From just our one day together, I can already tell that Miss Iowa week will be a great week. Now that Miss Iowa Orientation has passed, I really feel like Miss Iowa is just right around the corner. I can’t wait for June!

I am actually taking all of my final exams this week, so this post has been a break from studying. I guess I should get back to reading about Recruiting (for my Staffing and Talent Management final) and the Basel Convention (for my International Law final). Wish me luck!