It's Monday evening and I am sitting at work on a break before my last class of the evening (It is now Tuesday night around
10 PM 11 PM and I am done teaching for the night; teaching classes, working out, making props and grocery shopping, basically life, got in the way of finishing this blog!) and all I can do is sit and reflect on what an amazingly crazy weekend it was. The weekend started bright and early Friday morning where I headed to the March of Dimes: March for Babies Iowa City Kick off event. This event was to kick off the walk, which will take place April 11th at 8 AM in Iowa City at Lower City park. Earlier in the week, I had a board meeting where we secured the walk route, and I am very excited that it will involve walking in the community! At the kickoff event we had a great turn out and were able to recognize the top walkers and top teams from last years walk. It was great to see there motivation and learn their stories and why they walk. It inspired me to reach for the goal of becoming a top ten walker and/or top team next year!! I can do this with your help, please consider joining my team and helping me raise money or donating to my page!
After the kickoff event, I hit the gym and got in a great workout that Jon provided me! I love the workouts he provides me when I can't make it out to see him, they work me out but allow me to do them at home if I need to as well!
From here it was time to volunteer at the University of Iowa Dance Marathon! While I was a student at the University I participated in Dance Marathon my freshman year and while it was tough it was rewarding and I give a standing ovation to those who can do it year after year. Dance marathon is a great event that creates so much awareness and raises so much money for childhood cancer. I am glad that I was able to do my small part this year in not only volunteering at dance marathon but volunteering at the children's hospital when I can! At dance marathon I split my time between answering questions for the dancers participating in dance marathon and helping the families recycle at the family dinner. I enjoyed being involved in the family dinner because I was able to see the joy that dance marathon brings to the children affected by cancer.
Congrats to everyone who participated and organized Dance Marathon because Dance Marathon 21 raised over $2 MILLION!
From Dance Marathon I rushed off to Nolte Academy to run the first rehearsal for the Titan's Football Game that the Nolte Academy was invited to perform at on February 28th! I wouldn't want to spend my Friday night any other way because those kids want to be there and they want to dance and they want to have fun! We had a blast dancing and learning together. From here I headed home where I met my family who decided to come out and visit! We spent the rest of our night enjoying each others company and catching up on the TV shows we all watch.
Saturday morning started early as I was off to Muscatine for my Miss Iowa dress appointment!! It was wonderful to meet up with the Muscatine board and be accompanied by my mom and brother. We were welcomed, as usual, from Heather and Stacy the second we walked in the door. It was time for business, and like anyone I was very excited to spend time trying on one beautiful dress after the other. In a shorter time than I expected we all unanimously decided on a dress!!
I still can't believe I have my dress for MISS IOWA!! |
From Muscatine it was time for one more rehearsal in Iowa City before my family and I jumped in the car to attend the Miss Greater Des Moines and Miss Metro pageant. This was the first time it really sunk in the I am Miss Pearl City because I would be sitting in the audience of a pageant for the first time! I enjoyed watching the pageant and I DO NOT envy the judges because I didn't want to be the one who decided who was crowned because there was so much talent, grace and poise on that stage! Congratulations to Serica, Kelly, Sophia and Nina on their titles and I can't wait to get to know them better at Miss Iowa week!
Pageant girls love selflies! |
Sunday for me was filled with rehearsals! My first rehearsal started in Cedar Rapids with the Cedar Rapids Dolls where we were practicing for our first game THIS Friday night! From Cedar Rapids I was back to Iowa City for dress rehearsal with Affect Dance Company. We also have our first competition this weekend in Davenport! With that being said I have another busy weekend ahead of me filled with dance, but I wouldn't change that! It's time for me to sign off as I have to put the finishing touches on a costume and finish making some props! But as promised I leave you with a quote!
My life may be crazy busy but it makes me who I am! I am a driven person and won't let anything get in my way of achieving my dream of becoming Miss Iowa. I have the end goal in mind and I won't stop working towards it or lose sight of it. Here's to more hard work!
Until next time- XOXO Miss Pearl City, Christy Scimeca |
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