Monday, May 24, 2010

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Mrs. Obama has started a movement! First, she initiated her "Let's Move" campaign, and we now have a month dedicated to National Childhood Obesity Awareness.

I was reading an article in the most recent American Dietetic Association Policy Initiatives and Advocacy Report: On the Pulse, which said "House Resolution 996 designating September as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month was passed by the House last week. Reps. Marcia Fudge (D.-Ohio) and Kay Granger (R.-Texas) introduced the resolution as a way to help bring awareness to the health of children around the country at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. The month will promote healthy eating and physical activity."

What I love about this resolution is that it was introduced with bi-partisan support. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, you cannot argue that childhood obesity is an issue that deserves even more national attention and focus. As Rep. Fudge said on the House floor: "Dedicating at least one month out of each year to bring awareness to this issue of childhood obesity will help maximize the effect of programming, messaging and campaigns all aligned with the sole purpose of eradicating childhood obesity."

To raise awareness about the issue of childhood obesity prevention through my platform work and involvement of Miss Iowa, I have selected the color yellow for many of my publications and wardrobe, because it represents the color of the obesity awareness ribbon. My Snacking Smart from A to Z cookbooks are yellow, and I will wear lots of yellow during Miss Iowa, because it is a constant reminder to me of why I am running for the job of Iowa's Official Hostess.

What great news this is!

1 comment:

  1. Prevention is the best treatment. Families should limit dining out to special occasions and make time to enjoy regular meals at home together. Time involved in sedentary activities such as playing video games or using the computer should be limited to thirty minutes and the whole family should participate in thirty to sixty minutes of vigorous activity each day.
