Sunday, April 5, 2015

Rest, relaxation and some vitamin D!

For those of you that know my family and I know we are avid travelers and whenever there is a "break" we try to get in a vacation!! This year was different because I am no longer in school and my spring break at the dance studio didn't match up with my dad and brother's spring break for school.  Because of this I was lucky to finagle TWO spring breaks.  One a few weeks back to just spend at home and with family and then these past fews days in florida with my family!

This past Wednesday I was able to jump on a plane and meet my family in Tampa, Florida.  In just a few short days we have had a lot of fun AND I have been able to keep up on my Miss Iowa prep!  The first day on the beach I ended up carrying my brother around 200 yards on the beach and after a day of traveling I counted that as part of my work out! While we had plenty of time for fun we also had plenty of down time to work on Miss Iowa paperwork and work out details for my upcoming benefit and doing some shopping where I found a key piece of my Miss Iowa wardrobe!  With only 69 days til Miss Iowa there is no time for a break but this break for warm weather was gladly welcomed!

The highlight, by far in the trip, was on our last full day!! We rented a boat for two hours out on Tampa Bay and just drove around the bay.  While we were boating I spotted something in the distant that was jumping and splashing around and to my excitement it was a small pod of DOLPHINS!! I have seen and been around dolphins before in my life but there is something utterly breathtaking of seeing dolphins out of no where in the ocean!  We just floated on our boat for about 20 minutes just watching the dolphins play!

It was wonderful to get away and take time for myself, this journey is not easy and it does take a toll on you.  Luckily, I know myself very well and know when I need time to chill and recharge! With that being said this break doesn't last forever, tomorrow I will get in a quick talent costume fitting, hopefully a visit to 8one8 and then back to work at the studio!  It is always great to have a break and get some vitamin D especially after winter but it is even better to get back to a schedule.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter and stay tuned for the next few weeks are a little busy and filled with a ton of exciting things!!

Miss Pearl City 2015, Christy Scimeca

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