My Dad, Mom, and I left for Las Vegas on Sunday, January 10th in the early afternoon. As Miss Pearl City was the night before, it was a very short night and hurried return to Des Moines and to the airport. Due to weather issues (this was January in the Midwest, after all), we arrived in Vegas late that night where we immediately went to our timeshare and collapsed into bed. The next day we did some serious shopping and basically never left the Miracle Mile or the Planet Hollywood casino (where all of the Miss America events were taking place).
Tuesday, we spent almost the entire morning and afternoon observing Miss America rehearsals. I probably learned more from watching the rehearsals than I did watching the actual competition. It was very interesting to observe walking patterns and the contestants’ interactions with each other. After a late lunch, we headed back to our timeshare to change for the first night of preliminary competition. Our Miss Iowa 2010 Pauli Mayfield was outstanding in swimsuit and evening gown! It was clear why she is our Miss Iowa. That night, Miss North Carolina won a preliminary talent award in talent, and Miss Hawaii won the swimsuit award.

Before the first night of preliminaries.

With Pauli at the after-party.

With Taylor Kinzler, one of my National Sweetheart sisters!
Wednesday the Miss America trade show started, so I tried on dozens of dresses and swimsuits and saw more crown merchandise than I thought could have even existed! I actually purchased an evening gown that I may or may not wear for Miss Iowa this June (you’ll just have to keep your eyes peeled during competition!) as well as the cutest crown purse and crown ring. While at the trade show, I was able to meet Miss America 2010 Caressa Cameron in her last week as Miss America. She was everything you would expect of a Miss America – kind, beautiful, and intelligent. That night was the second night of preliminaries and Pauli participated in talent and sang “I Know Where I’ve Been” from one of my favorite musicals, Hairspray. Miss Alabama won a swimsuit award and Miss Rhode Island (who I LOVED, by the way) won talent. While waiting to congratulate Pauli after the show, I was able to spend time with my Miss Pearl City Princess, Stella, and her wonderful parents, Stacy and Heather. I cannot wait to get to know Stella better throughout this year!

Having fun out and about in Las Vegas! My hands are a teeny bit smaller than Shaquille O’Neal's ...

My Dad and I were able to catch a photo with Miss America!

With Pauli at the second day after-party.

With my adorable Princess, Stella!

Goofing off with Bill Lee, the Executive Director of the Miss Iowa Scholarship Program, and my Dad.
On Thursday, my oldest brother Philip joined us in Las Vegas to attend a chiropractic convention at the Hilton Hotel. As he lives in Chicago, I don’t get to see him nearly as much as I would like, so it great to have in there, even though that meant that I had to share a room. The four of us went exploring Las Vegas during the day which was fun and…interesting. Anyone who has ever visited Las Vegas knows exactly what I mean! That night was the last night of preliminaries. Pauli participated in on-stage question. She had a great answer and looked wonderful in her custom cocktail dress. Miss Nebraska won a talent award and Miss Oklahoma won swimsuit. It was fun during the after party to see the huge support that Pauli had! There were actually over 70 people in Las Vegas to see Pauli compete – the most any Miss Iowa has ever had.

With Stella after the third night of prelims.
Friday was the Parade of Shoes at the Paris. I’m a pageant girl; I love parades. But, this parade was on a whole different level! These contestants were unbelievably creative in their wardrobe and shoe decorations. Take a look at a couple of the pictures, because words really can’t do this justice (photos compliments of Claire Buffie, Miss New York). Other than the parade, my mom and I just took the day easy. We did a little bit of shopping and a whole lot of walking around. This was also the day of “rest” for the contestants before the Finals on Saturday.

Miss Minnesota as a snow angel.

All of the contestants before the parade.

Miss Hawaii and Miss Louisiana.

Miss New York as a tourist.

Miss Nevada as a Vegas showgirl.
Saturday was the Final Night of Competition. We got to Planet Hollywood an hour before the competition started and was met with the longest line that I have seen in my life (I mean longer than any line I’ve ever seen at Disneyworld!). The line was literally a mile long, because it fully circled around the Miracle Mile mall. We were a little worried about getting into the show before it started, but we ended up with a full five minutes to spare. It was so much fun to see the live show! Pauli represented Iowa so well throughout the entire competition that everyone was shocked when she didn’t make the Top 15. But, the competition was unbelievably strong. If it had been a different day or a different set of judges, we would have had a different Top 15 and possibly even a different Miss America. Our new Miss America (at 17, the youngest since the first Miss America in 1921!) Teresa Scanlan was very impressive and I'm excited to support her on her journey as Miss America. Watching that final night of competition, it really hit me how much I want to be on that Miss America stage some day. Now, it’s up to me to make that happen, so I’m ready to work so that I can be Miss Iowa and possibly Miss America. I’ve included some
pictures, so enjoy!

Talking with Pauli after the Finals. She was awarded the first-ever Non-Finalist Interview Award. No one could have deserved it more than Pauli!