With all that being said these next 14 days are going to fly by even faster! Before I get to these next 14 days I want to recap these past fews days. Friday was a fun filled day starting with zip lining with the current Miss Iowa and other current Miss Iowa contestants!

I enjoyed spending time and getting to know these ladies even better on a beautiful day.
After zip lining, my Miss Iowa roommate Alison and I drove from Dubuque to Davenport to join

Saturday I found out that I have finally become a Circle of Champions member! This means I have personally raised $1,000 for the March of Dimes this year! I am very happy with my accomplishment and couldn't of done it without the support of so many people.
Sunday morning, I was able to spend time with my wonderful ED Ashley, as we picked out all my outfits for the entire Miss Iowa week! We had a blast doing it and my cat Kinnick even helped out a little bit! It is now Sunday later afternoon and I am sitting at the studio passing out tickets

Miss Iowa week and finals will be here before I know it and that makes me both very excited and very nervous. I was put at ease when I was reading the Pageant Junkie Newsletter. Here is the excerpt that resonated with me:
"Pageantry isn’t about being ‘the best’ in interview, or having ‘the best’ talent, or having ‘the best’ body, or offering
‘the best’ stage presence. Pageantry isn’t even about being well-rounded in each of these categories! Rather, pageantry is about making 5 different people (the judges) love you."

It resonated with me because it reminded me that I will never be the best contestant in every category but I can be my best self. As long as I stay true to myself all week and compete as myself I will be happy with my results.
I will sign off today with these two quotes that encompass the same thought. If I can be a role model to anyone, specifically to my students, I want them to get these messages. I will compete for the title of Miss Iowa 2015 as Christy Scimeca and for everything I stand for and believe in and that will be enough.
XOXO, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening!
Christy Scimeca, Miss Pearl City 2015