Both classes were very attentive and were eager to learn how to better take care of their teeth. After a brief introduction, I gave the kids a little quiz to see how much they already knew about oral hygiene and safety. Here is an example of the type of questions I asked:
What are dental sealants?
A) A plastic coating on your teeth that protects against cavities.
B) Paints that make your teeth whiter.
C) Animals that entertain you in the dentist’s office.
D) People who help the dentist.
So, how’d you do? A is the correct answer. I asked about twenty questions and the kids probably got 2/3 of them correct. Good for a pre-test, but they would have done much better at the end of my presentation.
It's hard to tell, but I'm holding floss and discussing various ways to take care of teeth.
After the mini-quiz, we talked about different ways they could protect their teeth. In particular, we talked about the necessity of wearing a mouth guard while riding bikes, skateboarding, and sledding. I also had them each take a vow (while raising their right hand) that they wouldn’t get their tongue or lips pierced. Mouth piercing are probably the easiest way to cause self-inflicting damage to teeth.
A picture of the kids during my presentation.
Next, I asked for a volunteer who helped me in a plaque-revealing activity. My volunteer, Jerry in one class and Mackenzie in the other, chewed a tablet that turned teeth pink where there was excess plaque. I demonstrated the proper way to brush and floss teeth with a novelty toothbrush and set of teeth. Then, the volunteer brushed and flossed until the pink went away. This activity is great because it shows how careful you really need to be in order to properly take care of your teeth.
Getting ready for the plaque-revealing activity.
Demonstrating proper brushing technique.
I finished up the presentation showing photographs of unhealthy, damaged, and healthy teeth in order to motivate the students to take proper care of their oral health. The kids had tons of questions and comments (I heard lots of stories of siblings who have braces!) and seemed to have a wonderful time during the entire presentation. In fact, it took me ten minutes to leave because I kept getting sneak-attack hugs from students who would ask me not to leave! So cute!
They didn't want me to leave!
Truly, visiting elementary schools in one of my favorite things to do as Miss Pearl City and is such a wonderful way to promote both my platform and the Miss America Organization. It was also a special treat to return to my home elementary school. I have several other elementary school visits scheduled before Miss Iowa and I am excited about each and every one!
With Mrs. Brockberg's class.
With Mrs. Dyer's class. Notice the cluster of girls around me?
I have a busy week and can’t wait to let you know about all of the appearances I have scheduled.