Can you believe it? Fall is almost here.
I apologize for not posting much throughout the summer, but I have been very busy. After Miss Iowa, I became a traveling woman! I took several trips to Michigan to visit my fiance's family and also went to my favorite event of the year - the Iowa State Fair.
My family and I have gone to the Iowa State Fair for ten years now, so needless to say, it is a family tradition. We go there each summer and look at the biggest boar and biggest bull, try to sneak a peek at the butter cow, ride on the sky glider, scope out the baby animals, and taste some of the infamous fair food. My favorite? Even though I am a nutrition nut - the cheese curds will always hold a special place in my tummy :)
In terms of my platform, I have also had some very exciting developments. First, I filmed an 8-week TV Series called Get Movin', which will air in October on WQPT in the Quad Cities. I had a blast filming the exercise segments and got to work with eight fabulous kids, as well as a wonderful crew.
In addition, I have been working with Pick a Better Snack and ACT (through the Iowa Department of Public Health) to promote healthy snacking among youth and adults in Des Moines by offering samples of yummy vegetable dishes at farmers markets throughout the Des Moines area. Talk about fun!
I've also been writing my Stories in Motion, which Team Nutrition will use in the upcoming year as physical activity breaks for schools across the state. Kids need brain breaks during the day, just like adults do, and I thought it would be fun to write them. Thankfully, they are thrilled about the idea and are helping me disseminate them to Iowa schools!
Finally, I am working on two DVDs. One is called Mission Fitness, and the other is Mission Nutrition. Essentially, I am taking kids on a mission to become more fit, and a mission to become more nutritious by working with local YMCAs and Hy-Vee stores to teach youth about activities that can be done with little or no equipment and fun fruits and veggies to try.
Needless to say, I've been busy! But, I'm loving every moment. I've got more to share, but there is no time to write a novel today. I'll post more (and pictures) soon.
Happy Tuesday!